
Money Idioms

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  • Since the first time my dog got super sick, I always make sure to have a __________ in case she needs medicine or clinic time again.
    nest egg
  • Many marriages have problems because the women __________ and the men are just lazy alcoholics who don't provide for their families.
    bring home the bacon
  • I don't like dressing up, but I think I __________ in my brother's graduation. I loved my dress and I actually wore some makeup.
    looked like a million dollars
  • During this pandemic times, almost everyone has needed to __________ because a lot of people lost their jobs or have reduced salaries.
    tighten his belt
  • Most of the time when I have lunch or dinner with my parents, my father __________. My mom sometimes pays too, but mostly we let my dad do it.
    foots the bill
  • When I go for dinner with friends and everybody orders something different, I prefer to __________ so everybody pays for their on.
    go Dutch
  • I like bazars because sometimes you can buy some cool things and they're surprisingly __________.
    dirt cheap
  • Some people __________ on their vacations. That surprises me because I almost always travel on a budget.
    spend money like water
  • A lot of Mexicans __________ in December because they receive their 'aguinaldos', but most people don't make smart use of that money.
    have money to burn
  • I don't think I can buy presents for my family this Christmas. I'm __________.
    flat broke