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  • This table uses marks to keep track of data. What is it called?
    Tally chart
  • This graph shows the number of red-boxes sold. Which day had the most number of red-boxes sold?
  • Do more kids have cats or dogs?
    There are more kids with dogs.
  • This graph shows different kinds of fruit and how many people think it is a nice fruit. How many people think the banana is the nicest fruit?
    10 people
  • If there are 8 kids with dogs and 2 kids with birds, how many more kids have dogs than birds?
    6 kids
  • This is a graph that uses pictures. What is it called?
  • This graph has rectangular bars. What is it called?
    Bar graph
  • This graph shows the number of red-boxes sold. Which day sold 5 red-boxes?
  • How many elephants are in this tally chart?
    7 elephants
  • Which is the most well liked sport?
  • This graph shows the number of red-boxes sold. On which day was the least amount of red-boxes sold?
  • How many tigers are in this tally chart?
    15 tigers
  • This graph shows different kinds of fruit and how many people think it is a nice fruit. How many people think the blueberry is the nicest fruit?
    40 people
  • Which subject has the most votes? How many votes does the most well liked subject have?
    8 votes
  • If one symbol is equal to 10 people on this pictograph, how many people are in France?
    50 people
  • If one symbol is equal to 10 people in this pictograph, how many people are in Spain?
    30 people