
Breakthrough Plus Intro - Review

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  • Sports: This sport requires at least 2 people, rackets, and a yellow ball.
  • Who's your favorite singer? (use correct grammar)
    My favorite singer is ... I like ...
  • What's another word for "free time" we learned in unit 9? (10 seconds)
    leisure time
  • Tell me three things you like doing in you leisure time. (use complete, full sentences)
    FREE SPEAKING: I like ...
  • A: ______ did you go to Jeju island? B: I went there last summer.
  • What does she do? (use correct grammar)
    She's a doctor.
  • What do they like to do in their free time? (use correct grammar)
    They like to read books. / They like reading books.
  • Unit 12: going shopping, visiting landmarks, and seeing things in a new place is called ____________.
  • Name the nationality.
  • What does he like to do in his leisure time? (use correct grammar)
    He likes to play video games.
  • Name 3 things people like to do on vacation (talk for at least 10 seconds)
    Free speaking ...
  • Sports: Butterfly, freestyle, and breast stroke are some techniques you can do in this sport.
  • Sports: This sport requires 11 players per side.
    Soccer / football
  • Name the nationality.
  • Talk for 10 seconds: What did you do on the weekend? (use the correct tense).
    Free Speaking
  • The Louvre is an example of a __________.
  • Sports: this sport has 6 players per side. You can bump, spike, and block.
  • Who's you favorite actor? (use correct grammar)
    My favorite actor is ... I like ....
  • ______ did you watch a movie with?
  • Tell me 3 things you're interested in...
    Free speaking... "I'm interested in..."
  • A: I have family in Tokyo. B: Oh, are you ___________ (Nationality)
  • Describe your family (unit 2)
    Free speaking...
  • What do they do? (use correct grammar)
    They are soccer players.
  • What does he do? (use the correct grammar)
    He's a police officer.