
Past participle_VT p.1

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  • What is the past participle of 'find'? (A. founded / B. founden / C. found)
    C. found
  • What is the past participle of 'bring'? (A. brought / B. bought / C. broughten)
    A. brought
  • What is the past participle of 'come'? (A. comen / B. come / C. came)
    B. come
  • What is the past participle of 'do'? (A. did / B. doen / C. done)
    C. done
  • What is the past participle of 'decide'? (A. decided / B. deciden / C. decide)
    A. decided
  • What is the past participle of 'be'? (A. was / B. were / C. been)
    C. been
  • What is the past participle of 'begin'? (A. begun / B. began / C. being)
    A. begun
  • What is the past participle of 'blow'? (A. blowed / B. blown / C. blowen)
    B. blown
  • What is the past participle of 'eat'? (A. eaten / B. ate / C. aten)
    A. eaten
  • What is the past participle of 'cut'? (A. cutted / B. cutten / C. cut)
    C. cut