
World cities

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  • What city is this?
    Dubai, UAE
  • What city is this?
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • What is the capital of Mexico?
    Mexico City
  • What city is this?
    Cape Town, South Africa
  • What city is this?
    Madrid, Spain
  • What city is this?
    Bangkok, Thailand
  • What city is this?
    Rome, Italy
  • What city is this?
    London, England
  • What city is this?
    Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
  • What city is this?
    Miami, Florida, USA
  • What is the capital of Germany?
  • Which city is Machu Picchu located in?
    Cuzco, Peru
  • What city is this?
    San Francisco, California, USA
  • What city is this?
    Moscow, Russia
  • What city is this?
    Hanoi, Vietnam
  • What is the biggest city in the world?
    Tokyo, Japan
  • True or false: the Statue of Liberty was a gift to the USA from France
  • What city is this?
    Sydney, Australia
  • Which city is the Eiffel Tower located in?
    Paris, France
  • What city is this?
    Tokyo, Japan
  • What city is this?
    Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • What city is this?
    New York City, New York, USA
  • What city is this?
    Paris, France
  • What city is this?
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • What city is this?
    Santorini, Greece
  • True or False: the Taj Mahal is located in Delhi, India
    False—it is located in Agra, India
  • What city is this?
    Seoul, South Korea
  • What city is this?
    Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
  • What city is this?
    Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Which city is the Statue of Liberty located in?
    New York City, New York, USA
  • What city is the Great Wall of China located in?
    Bejing, China
  • What city is this?
    Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Which city are the Great Pyramids located in?
    Cairo, Egypt