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  • Is this normal weather or dangerous weather?
    This is dangerous weather.
  • Is this normal weather or dangerous weather?
    This is dangerous weather
  • What is this?
    This is wind!
  • Is this normal weather or dangerous weather?
    This is dangerous weather.
  • What kind of weather is this?
    This is sunny weather.
  • Is this normal weather or dangerous weather?
    This is normal weather!
  • Where should people go in a flood?
    People should go to high places.
  • What is this?
    This is snow!
  • Where should people go in a snow storm?
    People should stay inside!
  • What dangerous weather is this?
    This is a hurricane.
  • What dangerous weather is this?
    This is a snow storm.
  • Is this normal weather or dangerous weather?
    This is normal weather.
  • What kind of weather is this?
    This is cloudy weather.
  • Is this normal weather or dangerous weather?
    This is dangerous weather.
  • Which dangerous weather causes the most damage? Why?
    Great job!
  • What dangerous weather is this?
    This is a torndao.
  • What dangerous weather is this?
    This is a flood.
  • What dangerous weather is this?
    This is a snow storm.
  • Where should people go in a tornado?
    People should go underground.
  • Which is the worst kind of weather? Why?
  • What is this?
    This is rain.