
Thanksgiving Talking

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  • What's your favorite kind of pie?
    Can we have more than one favorite kind of pie?
  • What is something frivolous you're thankful for?
    What's a synonym for frivolous?
  • Over the river and through the woods, to whose house do you normally go?
    Do you like being a guest?
  • On what piece of clothing or accessory are you most likely to have a buckle?
    What is the function of a buckle?
  • What's your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
    Where does this tradition come from?
  • Which leftover could you gobble all weekend?
    How are leftovers convenient?
  • Thanksgiving commemorates a good harvest. Have you ever picked a crop?
    Tell us about it.
  • What's your favorite way to eat potatoes?
    If you don't like potatoes, what do you eat instead?
  • If you were a pilgrim travelling to a new world, how would you travel?
    How would you feel about this journey?
  • What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
  • Have you ever made a recipe?
    How did it taste?
  • Which leftover do you never want to see again?
    Does anyone in your family not like to eat leftovers?
  • What character balloon do you wish they had in the Macy's parade?
    Look up! Why don't the balloons float away?
  • What's your favorite part of the turkey?
    What do you like about it?
  • If you got the wishbone, what would you wish for?
    It's good to have wishes and think about the future.
  • What would you want to fill a cornucopia with?
    Do you like to decorate for holidays?
  • Do you prefer shopping or watching football?
    Or neither? Why?
  • If you had been a Pilgrim, what would you have been thankful for?
    How were their lives different from yours?