
Wild Animals and Insects

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  • What insect is this?
    It's a butterfly.
  • What animal is this?
    It's a giraffe.
  • What animal is this?
    It's a tiger.
  • What animal is this?
    It's a zebra.
  • What insect is this?
    It's a cockroach.
  • What animal is this?
    It's a lion.
  • What animal is this?
    It's a hippo(potamus).
  • Is this a mouse?
    No, it isn't. It's a squirrel.
  • What are these insects?
    They're ants.
  • What insect is this?
    It's a beetle.
  • What are these insects?
    They're bees.
  • What insect is this?
    It's a dragonfly.
  • What animal is this?
    It's a gorilla.
  • What insect is this?
    It's a caterpillar.
  • What animal is this?
    It's a lizard.
  • What is this insect?
    It's a ladybird / It's a ladybug.
  • What animal is this?
    It's a rhino(ceros).
  • This animal lives in trees and moves very slowly.
    It's a sloth.
  • What animal is this?
    It's a panda.
  • Is this a tiger?
    No, it isn't. It's a jaguar.