
4 Exam Review

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  • What is the past simple tense of 'be'?
    Was / Were
  • (Too much / too many / Enough) --> My coffee is so sweet. It has _________ sugar.
    My coffee is so sweet. It has TOO MUCH sugar.
  • What is this?
  • (Too much / too many / Enough) --> If I don't get _______ sleep, I will feel tired tomorrow.
    If I don't get ENOUGH sleep, I will feel tired tomorrow.
  • What is the past simple tense of 'buy'? use it in a sentence.
    Bought. _________
  • What is the past simple tense of 'see'?
  • What is this? Spell it out.
  • What is the past simple tense of go? Use it in a sentence.
    Went. ___________
  • (Too much / too many / Enough) --> The bag is very expensive. It costs ________ money.
    The bag is very expensive. It costs TOO MUCH money.
  • What is the past simple tense of 'make'? Use it in a sentence.
    Made. ____________
  • (Too much / too many / Enough) --> It's so crowded here because there are ___________ tourists.
    It's so crowded here because there are TOO MANY tourists.
  • What is this? Spell it out.