
Everybody Up 5 Unit 6 Lesson 2 Supplies SKC2

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  • How many ______ do we have?
    (PAPER CLIPS) We have ten paper clips.
  • How much ______ do we have?
    (MASKING TAPE) We have four rolls of masking tape.
  • How many ______ do we have?
    (APRONS) We have three aprons.
  • How much ______ do they have? (#6)
    (MODELING CLAY) They have a little modeling clay.
  • How much ______ do we have?
    (CARDBOARD) We have six sheets of carboard
  • How many ______ do they have? (#3)
    (PAPER CLIPS) They have a lot of paper clips.
  • How many ______ do they have? (#1)
    (APRONS) They have a few aprons.
  • How many ______ do we have?
    (TOOTHPICKS) We have fifteen toothpicks.
  • How much ______ do they have? (#2)
    (MASKING TAPE) They have a lot of masking tape.
  • How much ______ do they have? (#4)
    (CARDBOARD) They have a lot of cardboard.
  • How much ______ do we have?
    (MODELING CLAY) We have two bowls of modeling clay.
  • How many ______ do they have? (#5)
    (TOOTHPICKS) They have a few toothpicks.