
smash 3 conditional

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  • If Jack hadn't worn a seatbelt, he wouldn't have survived the car.......
  • If ....... hadn't been born, we wouldn't have the Tesla model car.
    Elon Musk (melon)
  • If ...........hadn't been born, we wouldn't have had the Holocaust.
    Adolf Hitler
  • If ......... hadn't invented the lightbulb, life would have been different.
    Thomas Edison
  • If he hadn't lost all him money gambling, he wouldn't have become.......
  • If Marty hadn't gone back to the past, he wouldn't have changed the .........
    present, future
  • If Biden hadn't won the election,.......... would have been President.
  • If Will Smith had gone to University, he wouldn't have became an........
  • If ........ hadn't found the equation E=mc2, someone else would have found it.
    Albert Einstein