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  • Who does Brian see as the cause of his parents' divorce?
    His mom
  • When Brian looked in the water at his reflection, how did he feel? Why?
    He was frightened. He saw how cut up, bruised, swollen, bleeding he was/ didn't realize he was in such bad shape
  • Why was Brian unable to catch fish in the lake to start with?
    He didn't realize that water bent the light
  • What did Brian always keep in sight so he didn't get lost?
    the lake and his shelter
  • How old is Brian?
  • What item does Brian's mom give him before he boards the plane?
    a hatchet
  • How did Brian end up in the Canadian Wilderness?
    His plane crashed
  • How does Brian finally make a fire?
    By using the hatchet
  • What advice did Brian's English teacher, Perpich, give him in school?
    be motivated, you're your best asset, stay positive and on top of things,
  • What did Brian call the berries that made him sick?
    gut cherries
  • Why did Brian think the searchers wouldn't be able to find him immediately?
    When the pilot was having his heart attack, he jerked the plane off course.
  • How did Brain make his shelter safer after the skunk attack?
    He built a wall to keep critters out.
  • Where did Brian store the food he caught?
    on the ledge above his shelter
  • What happened to the first plane that flew over Brian's camp?
    It turned and left
  • What did Brain decide to use as a shelter?
    a cliff overhang
  • What was sticking out of the water after the storm?
    the airplane