
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

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  • How long is the parade route? 2.5 miles or 7.5 miles
    2.5 miles
  • Which character has appeared more than any other character in the parade? Snoopy or Mickey Mouse
  • What was the original name of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade? Gimble's Thanksgiving Parade or Macy's Christmas Parade.
    Macy's Christmas Parade.
  • When is the famous Macy´s parade held every year? Thanksgiving Morning or Thanksgiving Evening.
    Thanksgiving Morning
  • On what famous street in New York City does the Macy´s Day Parade take place? Broadway or Central Park.
    Broadway Avenue
  • Who debuted as the first character balloon in 1927? Mickey Mouse or Felix the Cat
    Felix the Cat
  • This is the world largest parade. True or False.
  • The Macy´s Thanksgiving Day Parade has been a tradition since... (1904; 1924)
  • What years did the parade take a hiatus (a break) and donate resources to the war effort?
    1942-1944 (World War II)
  • What's Macy's? A Department store; A shopping mall
    A Department Store