
Conflict Types and Vocabulary

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  • Give an example of a person vs. supernatural conflict.
    Answer includes element of supernatural- i.e. ghosts, haunting
  • The character opposing the main character, "bad guy" is known as the...
  • Internal or external: "I don't care who you talk to!" screamed Sarah to West. "I just wish I had never met you!!"
  • Give an example of person vs person conflict.
    Answer includes protagonist and an antagonist.
  • Identify the protagonist vs. antagonist: Although your friends say that you’re very attractive, you think just the opposite.You are overly critical about physical appearance.
    You vs. yourself.
  • Internal means...
  • Give an example of a person vs. technology conflict.
    Answer includes element of technology i.e. phone, electricity, robots etc.
  • The main character, "good guy" is known as the...
  • Give an example of a person vs society conflict.
    Answer includes elements of society- i.e. gov't, police, law
  • Give an example of a person vs. nature conflict.
    Answer includes element of nature- i.e. weather, animal
  • External means...