
E-mail A2

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  • what do you write about in paragraph 2?
    You write about your school.
  • Do students at this school have computers and mobile phones? What do they have?
    No, they don't have computers, they have got magic wands.
  • What infromation about your school can you write about?
    Name of your school, the subjects that you study, your favourite subjects, special details.
  • How many paragraphs are there in an e-mail?
    There are 4 paragraphs (+starting phrase and signature)
  • What do you write about in paragraph 3?
    You should write about your homework and your after-class activities.
  • What are the hobbies of the author?
    Her hobbies are playing magic chess and flying the broom.
  • What subjects do students at this school study?
    They have got lessons in Quidditch, Potions and Charms.
  • What do you write about in paragraph 1?
    Information about yourself
  • How do you end an e-mail? (name 2 or 3 variants)
    Best wishes / Love / All the best
  • What phrase do you need to write in paragraph 4?
    Write back soon and tell me about yourself.
  • What personal information should you write about?
    Your name, age, where you live, your appearance and family.
  • How do you begin your e-mail? (say 3 variants)
    My dear friend / Hi, ... / Hello ... / Dear ...
  • What's the name of the school in the e-mail?
    It's name is Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
  • Who is the author of the e-mail? Who is she, how old is she, what does she look like?
    Her name is Susan Bones. She is from Glasgow, Scotland. She's got long red hair and blue eyes. She isn't tall
  • Have students at this school got homework?
    Yes, they do.