
Present Simple

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  • We use it for future plans. True or False
  • We use it for talking about permanent states or situations. True or False.
  • Finish the sentence. Use short answer.Do you like swimming? → Yes
    yes, I do.
  • FIND THE MISTAKE. Does they live in Canada?
    Does = Do
  • Finish the sentence. Use short answer. Do Scarlet and Carlos like fish? No →
    No, they don't.
  • FIND THE MISTAKE. He go bed very early.
    go = goes
  • We use it for things happening at the moment. True or False.
  • FIND THE MISTAKE. He know the answer
    know = knows
  • FIND THE MISTAKE. Does John has enough money?
    has = have
  • FIND THE MISTAKE. He doesn’t drinks tea.
    drinks= drink
  • FIND THE MISTAKE. Why you study English?
  • Make present simple questions. (you / drink tea every morning)?
    Do you like drink tea every morning?
  • Finish the sentence. Use short answer. Does Steven come from Ireland? No,
    No, he doesn't.
  • Make this sentence negative. Brian wears a wedding ring.
    Brian doesn't wear a wedding ring.
  • We use it for general facts (e.g. scientific facts). True or False
  • Make present simple questions. (she / live in London)?
    Does she live in London?
  • Make present simple questions. (John / come from New Zealand)?
    Does John come from New Zealand?
  • We use it for talking about timetables (e.g. bus or lesson timetables. True or False
  • SHORT ANSWER. Does Linda read books? → Yes,
    She does.
  • SHORT ANSWER. Do you like swimming? → Yes,
    I do.
  • Make a question. Billy / work / in the supermarket
    Does Billy work in the supermarket?
  • Make present simple questions. (you / like cake)?
    Do you like cake?
  • Finish the sentence. Use short answer. Does Linda read books? → Yes
    Yes, she does.
  • FIND THE MISTAKE. Robert playes baseball on the weekend.
    Playes = Plays
  • FIND THE MISTAKE. Do they usually driving to work?
    driving = drive
  • FIND THE MISTAKE. They has lots of free time
    Has = Have
  • Make a question. you / speak / English →
    Do you speak English?
  • FIND THE MISTAKE. She worrys too much about the exams.
    Worry = worries
  • We use it for routines (e.g. things we do every day or week). True or False
  • Make this sentence question. We work very hard.
    Do we work very hard?
  • SHORT ANSWER. Do the girls take photos? → No,
    They don't.