
Key People of the American Revolution

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  • Who made a daring ride to warn the colonists of British arrival before the battles at Lexington and concord?
    Paul Revere
  • Who wrote the pamphlet "Common Sense" to promote American independence?
    Thomas Paine
  • Who was the lawyer that promoted the cause of independence?
    John Adams
  • Who was the British king during the Revolutionary War?
    King George III
  • Who was the British General that surrendered at Yorktown?
    Lord Cornwallis
  • Who was the important member of the Continental Congress that helped frame the Declaration of Independence?
    Benjamin Franklin
  • Who inspired colonial patriotism with his "Give me liberty or give me death" speech?
    Patrick Henry
  • Who was the commander of the Continental Army?
    George Washington
  • Who was the French nobleman that served in the Continental Army?
    The Marquis de Lafayette
  • Who was the major author of the Declaration of Independence?
    Thomas Jefferson
  • Who was the enslaved African American that wrote poems and plays supporting American Independence?
    Phillis Wheatley