
Reagowanie językowe

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  • Jak zapytasz, która godzina? a) What the time? b) What time is it? c) What hour is it?
    What time is it?
  • Kuzyn zamierza zaprosić pewną koleżankę na randkę i jest tą sytuacją mocno podenerwowany. Co mu powiesz? a) Sounds good. b) Don't worry. c) Have a good day.
    Don't worry.
  • Zaproponuj wyjście do teatru. a) We must go to the theatre. b) How about going to the theatre? c) I'll go to the theatre.
    How about going to the theatre?
  • Did you check the equipment? a) Yes, I did. b) I checked. c) I was.
    Yes, I did.
  • Jak zapytasz o pogodę? a) What's the weather? b) What's the weather like? c) What weather is it?
    What's the weather like?
  • Have you finished your homework? a) I did. b) Not now. c) Not yet.
    Not yet.
  • Can I use your phone? a) No, you don't. b) Yes, you will. c) Sure, go ahead.
    Sure, go ahead.
  • Zapytaj koleżankę, jak wygląda jej brat. a) What does your brother like? b) What is your brother like? c) What does your brother look like?
    What does your brother look like?
  • Kolega prosi cię o pomoc. Odmów grzecznie. a) I'm sorry, I mustn't help you. b) I'm afraid I can't. I'm busy. c) I won't help you.
    I'm afraid I can't. I'm busy.
  • Thank you very much! a) Please. b) You're welcome. c) It doesn't matter.
    You're welcome.
  • What's the matter? a) I have a headache. b) It doesn't matter. c) I'm doing my homework.
    I have a headache.
  • Let's go for a walk. a) I'm sorry, I don't. b) Good job. c) Good idea.
    Good idea.
  • Oddajesz koleżance pożyczoną płytę CD, która przez przypadek Ci upadła i się porysowała. Co powiesz swojej koleżance? a) I didn't mean to do it. b) I forgot. c) I don't care.
    I didn't mean to do it.
  • What does your father do? a) He is a teacher. b) He is sleeping. c) He is in a garden.
    He is a teacher.
  • What's your nationality? a) I'm Poland. b) I'm in Polish. c) I'm Polish.
    I'm Polish.
  • Are you doing anything tomorrow? a) Nothing special. b) I'm fine, thank you. c) Yes, I doing.
    Nothing special.
  • Zapytaj o drogę do kina. a) Excuse me, I want to the cinema. b) Excuse me, where the cinema is. c) Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the cinema?
    Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the cinema?
  • Listen, Mark and Jane broke up yesterday. a) Well done! b) What a pity. c) Good idea.
    What a pity.
  • I would like to book a room in your hotel. a) Here is the book. b) Single or double? c) You should buy a book.
    Single or double?
  • Jak zamówisz filiżankę herbaty? a) Can I have a cup of coffee? b) I'll have a cup of tea. c) I buy a cup tea.
    I'll have a cup of tea.
  • Poproś o radę. a) What should I do? b) What will you tell me? c) What did I do?
    What should I do?
  • Interesują Cię plany kolegi na dzisiejszy wieczór. Jak o to zapytasz? A. What are you doing tonight? B. What do you do in the evenings? C. What are you interested in?
    What are you doing tonight?
  • Chcesz poprosić kolegę/koleżankę o przysługę. Jak to zrobisz? a) Can I help you. b) Could you do me a favour. c) Could you be my friend?
    Could you do me a favour.
  • Chcesz zająć miejsce w autobusie obok innej osoby. Co powiesz? a) Excuse me, is this seat free? b) I want to seat. c) This seat is taken.
    Excuse me, is this seat free?
  • Kolega podziękował Ci za pomoc. Co mu odpowiesz? a) Well done. b) No problem c) Thanks very much.
    No problem
  • Odprowadzasz na dworzec kolejowy koleżankę, która udaje się w drogę powrotną do domu. Co jej powiesz na pożegnanie? A. Have a nice journey. B. Have a good flight. C. Have a pleasant stay.
    Have a nice journey.
  • I've just passed my English test! a) Congratulations! b) Bless you! c) Shame on you!
  • Koszulka, którą mierzysz w sklepie jest za ciasna. Co powiesz sprzedawcy? a) Have you got big T-shirts? b) I think I need a bigger size. c) This T-shirt is too big.
    I think I need a bigger size.
  • What time does the match start? a) I haven't got a clue. b) Too late. c) Tomorrow.
    I haven't got a clue.
  • Jak powiesz "smacznego"? a) Help yourself to your meal. b) Enjoy your meal. c) Delicious meal.
    Enjoy your meal.
  • Chcesz przymierzyć sweter w sklepie. Co powiesz? A. How can I change this sweater? B. Can I exchange this sweater? C. Where is the changing room?
    Where is the changing room?
  • Can you pass me the salt, please? a) Here you are. b) Sorry, you can't. c) Yes, please.
    a) Here you are.
  • Jak zapytasz o cenę? a) How many is it? b) How cost it? c) How much is it?
    How much is it?
  • Jak powiesz "to miło z twojej strony"? a) That's very kind of you. b) You're really nice. c) It's your nice side.
    That's very kind of you.