
Grade 7 - speaking test

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  • When and how often do you use your favourite means of transport?
    I usually use my / our _______ every day / on __________.
  • What is your favourite means of transport?
    My favourite  transport is ______________.
  • Which English speaking country would you like to visit? Why?
    I'd like to visit The UK, The USA, Australia, Canada .. because
  • Why do you like this character?
    I like ________ because ___________.
  • What types of energy will you use in the future? Yhy?
    I will use _________ because __________.
  • Who's your favourite film character?
    My favourite character is ____________.
  • Do you like travelling?
    Yes, because ______________.      No,  because ________.
  • Why is it your favourite means of transport?
    It's my favourite transport because ______________.
  • What means of transport will you use to travel in the future?
    In the future II will use ____________ because ______________.
  • What was the character like in this film?
    The character __________ is _____ and ________.