
Be not + Adjective = Not Adjective + Noun

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  • The dress isn't soft.
    It isn't a soft dress.
  • He isn't a short boy.
    The boy isn't short.
  • It isn't a clean bath.
    The bath isn't clean.
  • The pencil isn't short
    It isn't a short pencil.
  • He isn't an old man.
    The man isn't old.
  • The girl isn't fat.
    She isn't a fat girl.
  • The rock isn't hard.
    It isn't a hard rock.
  • It isn't a fast rabbit.
    The rabbit isn't fast.
  • She isn't a young girl.
    The girl isn't young.
  • The woman isn't tall.
    She isn't a tall woman.
  • The horses aren't thin.
    They aren't thin horses.
  • They aren't dirty dogs.
    The dogs aren't dirty.
  • The bed isn't dirty.
    It isn't a dirty bed.
  • He isn't a strong boy.
    The boy isn't strong.
  • The elephant isn't strong.
    It isn't a strong elephant.
  • They aren't pretty flowers.
    The flowers aren't pretty.