
First revision unit 10 Gold

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  • You will get paid if you have done the work. (LONG) ___________ has been done, you will get paid.
    As long as the work
  • Look at this shell! I came ______ it when I was walking on the beach. A across B into C through D around
    A across
  • As_____ Jenny was late for school. She always oversleeps. A usual B typical C regular D individual
    A usual
  • 8 I know she lives in London, but I haven’t got her ____ address. A unique B particular C actual D real
    C actual
  • I won’t take him back and no apologies will change my mind. (EVEN) ____________________ , I’m not taking him back.
    Even if he apologises
  • Unless my work is done by lunchtime, I can’t go home early. (PROVIDED) _______________________ by lunchtime, I can go home.
    Provided my work is done
  • We’ll go sailing even if it rains. (WHETHER) We’ll go sailing______________ not.
    whether it rains or
  • Last year the economy was stable, but the ________ situation is quite different. A usual B actual C current D unique
    C current
  • The new film is about two people who have a shared destiny with each other. (BE) The new film is about two people who are __________________ together.
    destined to be
  • John came a lot of money when his grandmother died. A around B out C through D into
    D into
  • I enjoy spending time with l___-m____ people. I prefer being around people who like similar things.
  • My brother is very s__ -w____ and does whatever he wants. He doesn't change his mind.
  • The man standing there. He’s my brother. (IS) The __________________________ my brother.
    man standing there is
  • John is very l____ -h_____ and never panics under pressure.
  • Mary was very s____-m____ in her efforts to learn Arabic. She worked so hard and never gave up.
  • Their k___ -h______ actions towards homeless people won them a community award.
  • She meets people all day for her job. (INVOLVES) Her job_______________ all day.
    involves meeting people
  • They couldn’t come ___ with any ideas on what they could talk about in their presentation. A across B around C up D out
    C up