
Cappy G1 L7 sentence frames

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  • 1p. He grabbed (his soccer clothes) and walked down to (the soccer field).
    He grabbed (his bookbag / his umbrella) and walked down to (his house / the school).
  • 7p. (Ben) hurried (home) and (jumped into bed).
    (Jimin) hurried (to school / to the library) and (sat at the desk / borrowed some books).
  • 5p. (They) helped (Doogie’s mom) (bake cookies).
    (He) helped (my brother) (find his book / carry the boxes / clean the room).
  • 4p. (Ben) stayed at (school) to (study).
    (My sister) stayed at (her friend's house) to (play / watch movie together).
  • 9p. (Ben) showed (her) (the test paper).
    (Sarah / The teacher) showed (him / the class) (the drawing / the new book).
  • 2p. (Ben) (played soccer) all (afternoon).
    (Mina) (played outside / cleaned her room / watched movies) all (day / morning).
  • 2p. “Well, you better (study).”
    “Well, you better (win the game / do a good job on the test).”
  • 1p. "Don't forget to (study) for (the big test) on (Thursday).
    "Don't forget to (practice / prepare) for (the singing contest / the presentation) on (Saturday).
  • 2p. “(The teacher) said (you have a big test) on (Thursday)."
    “(Mom) said (we will go to Jeju Island) on (Saturday)."