
Easter tradition around the world

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  • Over 81% of people who celebrate Easter attend a church service.
    False. Over 51%.
  • An earthquake happened right after Jesus died. Do you think is it TRUE?
    The Gospels paint a vivid picture of an Earthquake that shook the land upon Jesus' death on the cross. Matthew 27:51 tells us that “the earth shook, rocks split
  • In the old days, pretzels were associated with Easter. True or False?
    True.Because the twists of this salty treat resemble arms crossing in prayer.
  • There's a reason you probably eat sousages for Easter dinner. True or false?
    False. people eat ham.Years ago, hams cured over the winter months would have been ready to serve in the early spring.
  • We can thank Ukraine for the bunny. True or False?
    False.The idea of the Easter bunny delivering candy and eggs originated in Germany during the Middle Ages, with the first written mention of this tradition 16st
  • Easter isn’t called “Easter” in the Bible True or False?
    True.It comes from a translation of the German word Ostern. Easter is translated from the Greek Pascha which means “Passover.”
  • Decorating eggs comes from a Ukrainian tradition. TRUE OR FALSE?
    THAT'S TRUE.The ornate eggs were called pysankas, which were made by using wax and dyes. It wasn't until Ukrainian immigrants came to the U.S.
  • The holiday was named after the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre. True or False?
    True.Scholars believe that Easter was named after a festival celebrating Eostre and the coming of spring.
  • Easter baskets have special symbolism. The woven treat containers represent birds' nests and new life, especially when filled to the brim with eggs. True or false?
  • In Australia, Easter takes place in Winter. Is this true or false?
    False. In AutumnThis technically goes for all Southern regions, since those in the Southern Hemisphere experience opposite seasons
  • Easter is the oldest Christian holiday on record.TRUE OR FALSE?
    Every Sunday, Christians would celebrate the resurrection of Christ, overtime it evolved into a pagan holiday to celebrate it once a year for the entire day.
  • Easter and Halloween compete for the highest candy sales. True or False?
    True.The two holidays go head-to-head for the most candy sales every year. In fact, some years people buy more candy the week before Easter than the week before
  • In Switzerland, there's an Easter bird instead of an Easter bunny. True or false?
    In Switzerland, it's a tale as old as time that a cuckoo bird is the animal responsible for delivering Easter eggs on the religious holiday
  • Holy Week is the celebrated during the week leading up to Easter. It begins on Palm Sunday, continues on to Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and then finally, Easter Sunday. Do you celebrate this?