
Define Metaphors and Similes

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  • Don't come into my room. It's a disaster zone!
    The room is a huge mess
  • Traffic was moving like a turtle, I didn't think we would ever get to the beach.
    To be very slow
  • Our class was as quiet as a mouse, our teacher was very impressed.
    To be very quiet
  • That car was as fast as a cheetah.
    Very fast
  • She is as blind as a bat. She couldn't see any of the words on the page!
    Unable to see well
  • She's a busy bee who always gets her work done.
    She does not stop working
  • To the toddler, the jungle gym was Mount Everest
    The jungle gym was gigantic
  • It's raining cats and dogs!
    There is a big storm
  • English is easy to understand, but math is as clear as mud.
    Difficult to understand, not very clear
  • He's always fishing for compliments.
    To get people to say nice things
  • After two hours in the sun, he was a lobster.
    He was sunburned
  • When we when to the market, we were suprised to see the prices were as cheap as dirt.
    Very cheap
  • When I had the flu I was as sick as a dog.
    Very sick
  • I thought he would be nervous to go to the principal's office, but he was as cool as a cucumber.
    Confident, composed, not bothered by stress
  • His head is always in the clouds.
    He is daydreaming
  • Looking at her gives me butterflies in my stomach.
    To feel nervous
  • I'd like to be a fly on the wall and see what it's like to be the President.
    To secretly see and hear what happens
  • The last year has been a rollercoaster of emotions.
    Experiencing happy, sad, angry in one year