
Free Speech

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  • How do hate speech and offensive speech fit within the concept of free speech?
  • What is the role of government in protecting or limiting free speech?
  • Many countries censor websites to control what their citizens can and cannot see. Is this dangerous?
  • How does free speech differ from country to country?
  • What is free speech and why is it important?
  • I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." (Evelyn Beatrice Hall) Do you agree with this?
  • Some countries forbid school teachers from introducing subjects like ****sexuality in their classes. Is this denying free speech?
  • Do children and teenagers also have rights to freedom of speech?
  • How does the concept of free speech apply to the internet?
  • What are some common limitations on free speech?
  • Does freedom of speech include spreading lies about people?