
Can I get there by bus, train or bike

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  • How can he get there?
    by boat
    by bus
    by plane
  • How can you get to school?
    I can get to school by ship
    I can get to school by bus
  • How can we get there?
    on foot
    by car
    by motorbike
  • _____ Can I get to İstanbul?
  • How can I get there?
    You can get there by jet
    You can get there by train.
    You can get there by bus
  • How can we get there?
    by foot
    by plane
    by train
  • How can he get there?
    He can get there by Metro.
    He can get there by car
    He can get there by foot
  • How can he get there?
    He can get there by taxi.
    He can get there by ship
    He can get there by plane
  • How can we get there?
    We can get there by car.
    We can get there by bike
    We can get there by helicopter
  • How can he get there?
    by car
    by bike
    by bus
  • They can get there_______
    On foot
    By car