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  • What is worse: an uncomfortable silence or a conversation when one person is dominating?Explain you reasons.
  • When someone has something to say they have __________.
    d ) an interesting point to make.
  • Are you a good conversationalist? Explain.
  • When was the last time you had to talk to someone in English outside the classroom? How was it?
  • When someone drones on and on the person ___________.
    h) talks for a long time in a very boring way
  • When the conversation flows it __________.
    g) continues in an easy, natural way
  • What are the qualities of a good communicator?
  • To butt in is _______.
    b) join a conversation without being asked
  • When someone puts their idea across they________.
    f) explain or communicate
  • When we communicate, what is more important: listening or talking? Explain.
  • When you are on the same wavelength you are_______.
    e) able to understand the way the other person thinks
  • When you have to hunt around for things to say you have to ___________.
    a) work hard to find.
  • What problems might occur when communicating with someone?
  • To hog a conversation is to ___________.
    c) dominate.