
Synonyms for advanced learners

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  • What are some alternatives for the word "boring"?
    dull, bland, tedious, monotonous, "mind-numbing"
  • What are some other ways to say "surprised"?
    amazed, astonished, stunned, shocked, taken aback, blown away, flabbergasted
  • How many words do you know that can intensify the word "bad"?
    terrible, awful, dreadful, horrible, rotten, lousy, dismal
  • How many different words are there to describe "walking" and "running"?
    WALKING: stroll, tiptoe, hobble, limp, stumble, trip, stagger RUNNING: jog, sprint, dash, bolt, flee
  • Do you know some other ways to say "hungry" and "thirsty"?
    HUNGRY: peckish ("feeling a bit hungry"), starving, famished THIRSTY: parched
  • What are some stronger words or expressions that can describe someone "happy", "pleased" or "glad"?
    delighted, ecstatic, thrilled, overjoyed, elated, "over the moon", "on cloud nine"
  • How else could we express "angry" in English? And can you think of a 'softer' word?
    furious, fuming, seething, livid, irate / cross (softer)
  • What others words can describe a "nice" person?
    pleasant, likeable, agreeable, lovely
  • Think of some words to describe different ways of "saying" or "speaking" ..
    comment, remark, declare, announce, state, exclaim, boast .. whisper, mutter, mumble, stutter
  • How else can we say "really big" in English?
    huge, massive, enormous, gigantic, immense, colossal
  • How can we intensify the word "afraid" or "scared" in English? And how could we 'soften' the feeling?
    terrified, petrified, "scared stiff" (intensifying) .. alarmed, startled (softening)
  • How many words do you know to intensify the word "good"?
    great, brilliant, excellent, fantastic, amazing, superb, wonderful, terrific, marvelous, outstanding, exceptional
  • How else in English can we describe "laugh"?
    giggle, chuckle, snicker .. roar with laughter, howl with laughter, "laugh your head off"
  • What are some stronger words or expressions to describe "unhappy" or "sad"?
    miserable, depressed, "down in the dumps", gloomy, glum
  • What are some different ways to say "look" in English?
    stare, gaze, glance, peep, peek, view (a bit formal), observe (formal), inspect