
What do you think???

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  • What is the boy thinking? Explain your thinking.
    teacher discretion
  • What is happening in the picture?
    teacher discretion
  • How old do you think Andy would be? Explain your thinking.
    teacher discretion
  • What is the setting? How do you know?
    teacher discretion
  • What is the cat saying to himself?
    teacher discretion
  • What is the man doing? Explain your thinking.
    teacher discretion
  • Why is the girl standing behind the man? Explain your thinking.
    teacher discretion
  • How is the boy feeling? Was he expecting this to happen? How do you know?
    teacher discretion
  • How is she feeling? What is she thinking?
    teacher discretion
  • What is the dog thinking? Explain
    teacher discretion
  • How is the boy feeling? Explain your thinking.
    teacher discretion
  • What is happening in the picture? Explain your thinking.
    teacher discretion
  • What do you think is the relationship between the little owl and the adult owl? Explain your thinking.
    teacher discretion
  • If the man is her dad, what do you think she would say?
    teacher discretion
  • Tell us the thoughts of the owls.
    teacher discretion
  • What do you think Woody is thinking? Explain your thinking.  Remember to use things in the room to help with support your answer.
    teacher discretion
  • What might the doggy be saying to himself?
    teacher discretion
  • What season is it? What clues are seen in the picture?
    teacher discretion
  • How old do you think the boy mouse is? Why?
    teacher discretion
  • Where do you think the kids are at? What clues did you use?
    teacher discretion
  • What are the characters thinking?
    teacher discretion
  • Whose bedroom is this? Explain your thinking.
    teacher discretion
  • Who is the man? explain your thinking
    teacher discretion
  • What is the fish saying to himself?
    teacher discretion
  • Tell us how the dog may be feeling. Explain your thinking.
    teacher discretion
  • Why is she dragging a kite on the floor?
    teacher discretion
  • Explain what the boy might be doing. How is he feeling? Explain.
    teacher discretion
  • Why are all of these people on the boat? expalin your thinking
    teacher discretion
  • How does the little mouse feel? Explain your thinking.
    teacher discretion
  • Where is the boy and dog going?
    teacher discretion
  • The title of the picure is Drop Off. Knowing the title, what clues does that give about this image?
    teacher discretion
  • What does the title First Flight tell you about this picutre?
    teacher discretion
  • What is the boy thinking? Explain.
    teacher discretion
  • How do you think the people are feeling? expalin your thinking
    teacher discretion
  • What is the dog thinking? Explain your answer.
    teacher discretion
  • How do you think the girl is feeling? What clues did you use to help with your answer?
    teacher discretion