
Type of business

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  • a company that is founded by at least two people, has the right to act on behalf of the company, and share the risk of their actions together is the characteristic of business called ...
  • The results of bag production are sold to consumers through the bag factory owner's shop itself, which is an example of ____ distribution
    Semi-direct distribution
  • salon businesses, workshops, photocopiers, barbers, massage therapists are counted as _________ business
  • What economic sector does a doctor work in?
  • what economic sector does a content creator?
  • Companies whose capital is owned by the Regional Government is called
    Regional Companies
  • Give 3 example of service business
    (various answer)
  • A milk factory is an example of what sector?
  • one type of cooperative business that provides various goods (rice, sugar, soap, cooking oil,etc) to meet daily needs such ase is called ___
    Consumption Cooperatives
  • Distribution activities where producers distribute their production results directly to consumers are called _____ distribution.
  • Activity that resulting or adding value and services is called
  • distribution activities where producers do not directly sell their products in the form of goods or services to users but rather through intermediaries, called _____ distribution
    Indirect distribution
  • A company that is founded by one or more entrepreneurs, capital from that entrepreneur and several investors. and this type of company can be developed by a firm. What is this company called?
    CV (Commanditaire Vennotschaap)
  • What economic sector provides a service?
  • company whose entire capital is owned by the state.
    BUMN (Badan Usaha Milik Negara)/State-Owned Company
  • capital is obtained from the sale of sale/stock shares and the shareholders will get dividends from the company. What is this company called?
    PT (Perseroan Terbatas)/ Limited Liability Company.
  • An activity that sending or distributing things from producer to consumer or selling thingselling things
  • The following image is an example of what company?
    BUMN (Badan Usaha Milik Negara)/State-Owned Company
  • cooperatives business that run various businesses is called ____
    Multi-Business Cooperative business
  • An activity that spending, wearing, and using things.
  • Economic businesses managed by individuals and have limited capital are called
    Self-managed business