
Materials Year 5

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  • How can I recover salt from a saltwater solution?
    Evaporate the water so the salt is left behind.
  • Which word describes how molecules spread out in a gas or liquid (like smell particles!)?
  • Is dried lava reversible or not
    it is reversible
  • What happens when steam meets a cold surface?
  • Which word describes how easily gas or liquid can pass through something?
  • How could I remove fine sand from water?
    Use filter paper.
  • What is the scientific formula for water?
  • What gas is made when you mix bicarbonate of soda with vinegar?
    Carbon Dioxide
  • When I put a gummi bear in water it grows because water can get in but sugar can't get out. What word describes the water moving in?
  • How could I separate sand from stones?
    Use a sieve.
  • What is frozen water called?
  • How do you protect a metal from rusting? (Answer begins with G)
  • When something goes from solid to liquids, it...
  • My chocolate bar has turned to liquid! How can I make it solid again?
    Freeze it (make it colder)
  • What will happen to salt when it is mixed with water?
    It will dissolve.