
Addition and Subtraction word problems

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  • Julian saw 8 baby yoda's at the mall. When he turned around, 2 baby yoda's ran away! How many were left?
    6 baby yodas!
  • Win 10 points!
    you win!
  • Julian went to the park and saw 8 ladybugs. 5 flew away. How many ladybugs are left?
    3 ladybugs
  • 21 + 32
  • What is 10 more than 53?
  • Matthew ate 10 pancakes for breakfast, and 4 for lunch. How many pancakes did he eat in all?
    14 pancakes
  • Ms. Any was making cookies at Hill school. She made 15 cookies in all, and gave 6 cookies away. How many cookies were left?
    9 cookies
  • 75 +13
  • Mrs. Dubs was with some students on Zoom. 10 students were on the screen, and then 4 students got kicked out! How many students were left?
    6 students
  • Ms. Mitchell was collecting seashells on the beach. She collected 4 seashells in the morning, and 7 seashells in the afternoon. How many seashells did she collect in all?
    11 seashells
  • Mario and yoshi collected 20 coins, but when they went to Bowser's castle, he lost 8! How many were left?
    12 coins
  • Matthew went to the zoo and saw 15 monkeys. The zookeeper brought 3 more monkeys out into the exhibit. How many monkeys were there in all?
    18 monkeys
  • Pickachu made friends with 6 pokemon on Monday, and 7 pokemon on tuesday. How many friends did he make in all?
    14 friends
  • Genesis was collecting Rocks on her walk. She put 5 rocks into her bag, and then found 6 more. How many rocks does she have in all?
    11 rocks
  • What is 10 less than 26?
  • WIN 10 POINTS!
    you win!!