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  • What is the tone in this passage? "My hot water tank started leaking and the entire house is flooded! What on earth am I going to do?!?"
    Shock, concern, questioning
  • What tone does this text have? "She placed the crying baby gently in the rocking swing, soothing him into a light sleep"
    calming, gentle
  • How can a reader identify tone?
    Looking at the word choices the author makes, the details of the writing, and the atmosphere or context
  • What kind of tone does this show? This isn’t the greatest apartment in the world, but it’s not really that bad.
    accepting, tolerant
  • What kind of tone does this text show? The kitchen wallpaper seemed to be infused with the sad images of the poverty of the past tenants.
    sad, depressing, uncomfortable, creepy
  • What tone is present in this text? "As the tornado barreled into sight, we all ran and hunkered down in the bathroom, hoping it would pass quickly."
    fear, nervousness, worry
  • What tone is shown in this text? "Mom, I have nothing left to do! My homework is finished and none of my friends are home. And the last thing I want to do is more chores."
    bored, lonely
  • What is tone?
    The author's feelings about the subject or character
  • What tone is used in this text? "The best way to survive babysitting a set of triplets is to come armed with plenty of energy, lots of patience, and a first-aid kit."
    humorous, entertaining, funny
  • What tone is presented in this passage? “I know it’s been hard. And I appreciate all you are going through right now. Let me help."
    Understanding, kind, helpful
  • What tone does this text have? "I'm having so much fun at this amusement park today! There are no lines for the coasters and the games are a blast."
    Entertained, excited, thrilled
  • What tone is shown here: "Malorie couldn’t help but look at the magnificent dress Karen had picked for the dance. Its tiny detailed beads glimmered in the light."
    awestruck, amazed, impressed
  • What is the tone in this sentence. I don't understand why people just won't stay out of my room! I need privacy!
    irritated, questioning
  • What tone does this text have? "Cloning of animals and humans should be banned!"
    firm, definite, stern, serious
  • What tone is present in this text? “When are you going to take the garbage out? Sometime this year, maybe?”
    sarcastic, irritated, questioning
  • What tone is provided in this text? If some decent paying jobs were available, I wouldn't be forced to live in this dump.
    bitter, angry, frustrated
  • What tone is shown in this text? Anita's house was filled with many breathtaking items including a hand-made wooden stairway stained with gorgeous black lacquer.
    amazed, impressed
  • What tone word could describe this text? “When I told Dad how I’d blown the exam, he literally blew his top.”
    worried, upset
  • What tone does this text show? "We were loading hay in the west forty when we saw the twister in the distance.”
    Anxious, nervous
  • What is the tone is this passage. "Johnny dropped the baseball. His teammate looked over and said, 'Nice catch, butterfingers!'"
    sarcastic, rude
  • What tone is present in this text "As she opened the thickly packed envelope, she knew an acceptance letter to her first choice college would be waiting on the inside. All of the rejections had been in much thinner envelopes."
    hopeful, excited, optimistic
  • What type of tone is in this text? "If you don't stop that immediately, I will punch you lights out!"
    threatening, mean, angry
  • What tone is this text? "Sara saw them all, deep in discussion, and mourned for them. She knew that they were all beyond redemption."
    sad, disappointed
  • What tone is present in this text? "Wow! I can't wait to play that game again!"
    exciting, energetic, enthusiastic