
Talking about weather in the past tense?

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  • Was it cloudy yesterday?
    Yes, it was.
  • Was it foggy in Milano last weekend?
    Yes, it was.
  • Was it wet or dry last week in Milano?
    It was really wet!
  • Was it rainy this morning?
    No, but it was windy.
  • Was it snowy yesterday in Milano?
    No, it wasn't.
  • What do you call a storm with ICE instead of RAIN?
  • What was the weather like in England last month?
    It was rainy last month in England.
  • What are two things that can happen during a storm?
    thunder and lightning
  • Was there ice on the roof yesterday?
    Yes, there was.
  • What was the weather like two weeks ago when you went sailing?
    It was windy.
  • Was there frost on the windows in the morning?
    Yes, there was.
  • What do you call a storm with really strong wind?
  • What was the weather like yesterday?
    It was sunny yesterday.
  • What was the weather like last weekend in the mountains?
    There was a blizzard!
  • Was it cloudy yesterday?
    No, it wasn't.