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  • _______ 을 좋아하는 이유는 replanting이 필요 없이 매년 꽃이 bloom 하기 때문이다.
    I like perennials because they bloom every year without needing to be replanted.
  • I use shears to___
    cut the tree branches, prune fruit trees, trim the bushes in my garden and keep them looking neat and tidy.
  • 두꺼운 mulch layer은 더운 날에 토양을 촉촉하게 유지합니다.
    A thick layer of mulch keeps the soil moist on hot days.
  • We have multiple types of plants, can you name your 3 favorites??
  • What is the first step for gardening?
    Get a potting mix or use a shovel to turn over the soil.
  • I am a ________ gardener. People tell me I have a _____ thumb.
    an excellent/ green, terrible/ black
  • 토마토를 심기 전에 토양에 유기농 퇴비를 add 했어.
    Before planting the tomatoes, I added organic compost to the soil.
  • It's important to _______ fruit trees so they ______ more fruit.
    prune, produce
  • Why do you mulch?
    Keeps the moisture in the soil. Helps suppress weed growth. Helps to keep the perennials warm during the cold winter.
  • Every spring, I ______ my rose bushes to help them grow.
  • In my house, I like to grow _______ because______
  • I used a __________ to turn the ___________ in the new garden bed.
    trowl, soil