
Focus 3 unit 1 REVIEW

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  • Make these less negative:            1. She's nervous. 2.He's rude. 3.He's got a long nose           4.He's scruffy
    1.She's kind of nervous.          2.He isn't always polite          3.His nose's a bit long             4.He could be a bit scruffy
  • Name at least 5 compound adjectives (2-word) which can be used to describe clothes
    brightly-coloured, cutting-edge, fast-drying, fur-lined, hard-wearing, multi-purppose, short-sleeved
  • Name at least 10 items of clothing for the upper body part
    hoodie, sweatshirt, T-shirt, shirt, jumper/sweater, pullover, jacket, waistcoat, coat, a fleece, a blouse, a tie, beanie, top
  • Name at least 10 words or phrases to describe someone positively (appearance + personality)
    cheerful, determined, down-to-earth, sensible, easy-going, feeling comfortable in their own skin, friendly, reliable, hard-working, smart, elegant, well-built
  • Name at least 5 words/phrases to describe someone negatively (appearancy+personality)
    vain, shallow, carefree, disobedient, rebellious, rude, impolite, scruffy, skinny, overweight
  • Name at least 5 types of clothes material
    denim, cotton, wool, leather, silk
  • Name at least 10 words to describe someone's hairstyle
    wavy, curly, straight, spiky, long, medium-length, short, blonde, fair, dark, brown
  • Make at least 3 words from the word SUCCESS
    successful, successfully, SUCCEED
  • Name 3 dynamic and 3 state verbs. Make 3 types of sentences with each of them
  • Make at least 3 words from the word ACCEPT
    acceptable, acceptably, acceptance
  • Finish these collocations: 1. loose t.... ... 2. s...... with 3.hang .... .... 4. have a lot ... .... .... 5. have a good ..... .... 6. fall ... ... 7. get .... ... ...
    1. loose touch with, 2. socialise with, 3. hang out with, 4. have a lot in common with, 5. have a good relationship, 6. fall out with, 7. get on/along well with
  • Name at least 10 garments for the bottom body part
    leggings, jeans, trousers, sweatpants, shorts, socks, ankle boots, high heels, trainers, sneakers, shoes, belt
  • Make 2 sentences with FOR and SINCE, use Present Perfect Simple in one and Present Perfect Continuous in the other
  • Make 3 questions starting with HOW LONG...?