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  • Celebrities earn too much money.
    Tell me more / elaborate on that / give me an example
  • The government should build more low-cost homes to sell to lower income families.
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  • We are not alone in the universe.
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  • Smoking should be banned in all places, including private homes.
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  • Arriving late to meet friends is rude.
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  • Money is more important than love.
    Tell me more / elaborate on that / give me an example
  • No job is perfect.
    Tell me more / elaborate on that / give me an example
  • The Internet is a good way to find a boyfriend or girlfriend.
    Tell me more / elaborate on that / give me an example
  • There are no such things as ghosts.
    Tell me more / elaborate on that / give me an example
  • Real human communication is getting worse because of the Internet.
    Tell me more / elaborate on that / give me an example
  • People should be able to live in any country they choose.
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