
Brain Teasers

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  • What has rivers but no water, forests but no trees, and cities but no people?
    a map
  • Mary's mother has 4 daughters. April, May, June and ...
  • Which is correct: Seven and five is thirteen or Seven and five are thirteen?
    Neither. Because 7 and 5 is 12
  • What year of this century is the same when its number is upside down? What year of the previous century is the same when inverted
    1961 and 1881.
  • When i'm eight, my brother is half my age. How old is my brother when i'm 40
  • How can you throw an egg into the wall without breaking it?
    Wall is hard, it won't break
  • Which does not belong in this group: Apple, Grape, Banana, Cherry, Pear.
    The Banana. It's the only one that needs peeling before eating.
  • Why is six afraid of seven?
    because Seven eight (sounds like ate) nine