
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

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  • What is Junior's hobby?
  • What is the name of the reservation on which Junior lives?
    Spokane Indian Reservation
  • What was Junior's dog's name?
  • Junior refers to his cerebral spinal fluid in his skull as ...?
    Brain grease
  • What is Junior's nickname for Mary?
    Mary runs away
  • What was Junior's father's dream?
    To become a jazz musician
  • To what animal does Junior compare Rowdy?
    A snake
  • What does Junior's father do when Junior's dog becomes seriously ill?
    He shoots it
  • What role do the comic strips included in the book play in setting the mood of the story?
    The comics are like punchlines which lighten the mood.
  • What was Junior's best skill in basketball?
  • What is Mr. P.'s advice to Junior?
    Leave the reservation
  • How many extra teeth did Junior have when he was a young child?
  • What is Junior's real name?
    Arnold Spirit
  • Who did Junior's geometry book once belong to?
    His mother
  • Whom does Mr. P say is the smartest student he has ever taught?
  • Whom does Junior hit in the face with his geometry book?
    Mr P
  • Why does Junior want to attend Reardan?
    It has a computer and chemistry lab
  • What was Junior's mother's dream?
    To go to college