
Brain: Truth or myth?

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  • TRUTH OR MYTH? Your brain is fully developed by the age of 18.
    TRUTH Brain development continues past adolescence and into adulthood. The prefrontal cortex, for reasoning & decision-making fully matures in our mid-20s.
  • TRUTH OR MYTH? You only use 10% of your brain.
    MYTH In reality, unless there is brain damage, most area of the brain are active all the time to some degree.
  • TRUTH OR MYTH? Some people can taste shapes and colours.
    TRUTH Known as synesthesia.
  • TRUTH OR MYTH? The spinal cord stops growing around age four or five.
    TRUTH Your spinal cord grows approximately 41-51cm in the first 4-5 years of your life and then stops. Your body continues to grow around it.
  • TRUTH OR MYTH? The brain is the fattiest organ in the body.
    TRUTH. Overall, the brain is 75-80% water. The other 20-25% of the brain is solid tissue and is a minimum of 60% fat.
  • TRUTH OR MYTH? Brain size does not determine intelligence.
    TRUTH Einstein’s brain weighed less than the average brain. His brain did, however, show relatively dense connections between brain areas.
  • TRUTH OR MYTH? The brain is good at multitasking.
    MYTH If you define multitasking in terms of voluntary tasks which require attention, the brain is not a good multitasker.
  • TRUTH OR MYTH? You are either left or right brain dominant. This will determine whether you are more creative or more logical.
    MYTH Talents once attributed to one side of the brain or the other, like creativity, language, spatial ability, & logic, needs both left & right brain.
  • TRUTH OR MYTH? Humans have the largest brain of all mammals.
    MYTH Sperm whales have the  largest brain of any living species! Human brains hold the record for the species with largest brain relative to body size.
  • TRUTH OR MYTH? The brain does not have any pain receptors.
    TRUTH If someone poked your brain tissue, you wouldn’t feel it! However, structures surrounding the brain contain pain receptors, and when those are activated,