
Jobs at home

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  • When we finish eating, we...
    ...clear the table.
  • I can't forget to ..................... or they will die.
    water the plants
  • There are crumbs on the carpet. I have to ........ it.
  • When I came home I smelled something delicious. My mum was... dinner.
  • When I come back from school I take the leash and I...
    ...take my dog for a walk.
  • What are your least favourite jobs at home?
  • Our dishwasher is broken so we have to ........................ ourselves.
    do the washing up
  • I'm ...................... for a dessert.
    making a cake
  • Take the broom and ........ the floor, please.
  • My room is very messy. I have to...
    ...tidy up.
  • When I ...................the clothes I can never find one of the socks.
    put away
  • Which jobs do people do outdoors?
    watering plants, taking dog for a walk, washing a car
  • What jobs do you do at home?
  • Please take the brush and ....... the furniture.
  • The bin is full. I have to .......... it.
  • I don't like washing the dishes, so after each meal I...
    ...load the dishwasher
  • After a long trip we helped our dad...
    ...wash the car.
  • What jobs do people in in the kitchen?
    cooking the dinner, making a cake, clearing the table, doing the washing-up, loading the dishwasher