
Environment review

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  • Describe an environmental issue facing your country. • What kind of problem it is? • How long the problem has existed? What effect has the problem had on people? What we can do to solve the problem?
  • In your opinion what more can governments do to solve environmental issues?
  • Describe a place in Latvia that is famous for its natural beauty. Where is it? • What kind of place is it? • What makes it beautiful? Why is this place famous in Latvia?
  • Name three types of Natural disaster.
    Earthquakes, Landslides, Volcanoes, Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, Tsunamis.
  • What does 'habitat' mean?
    The natural environment of an animal or plant.
  • How can we educate children to protect the environment?
  • Have you changed your lifestyle to save our planet and prevent climate change? What have you done?
  • What does 'extinction' mean?
    A situation in which a type of animal no longer exists.
  • Name three types of Renewable energy.
    Hydroelectric power, Wind power, Solar power, Wave power
  • Do you use environmentally friendly products? Have you 'gone green? Give examples.
  • What is climate change?
  • Name three types of Man-made pollution.
    Oil spills, Acid rain, Radiation leaks, Forest fires.
  • How often do you recycle? What kinds of things do you recycle?
  • What does 'poach' mean?
    To illegally catch or kill animals, especially endangered species.
  • Is there much more environmental damage now than in the past? Why/Why not?
  • What's a carbon footprint?
    A carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual, event, organization, service, or product.
  • Scientists predict that the ice caps will melt. What affect could this have on life in Vietnam?
  • In your opinion what is the cause of most environmental problems in the world today?
  • What does 'conservation' mean?
    The protection of nature.
  • What kinds of things do you do to save energy at home?