
Prepare B1 unit 11 Future tenses (will / be goin ...

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  • Look at those clouds! It’s going to rain later.
    talking about something that’s already been decided
    predicting the future based on what we see or know now
    a general prediction about the future
    deciding to do something while speaking
  • The team is playing so well at the moment. ________ win the match on Sunday. (prediction with evidence)
    They're goin to
  • I am __________ (see) a doctor about the nasty cut on my forehead. (plan)
    going to see
  • I'm on the bus now. I’ll be there in five minutes.
    predicting the future based on what we see or know now
    a general prediction about the future
    talking about something that’s already been decided
    deciding to do something while speaking
  • Come on! Let’s go to the cafe and I _______ you all about it.
    'll tell
    am going to tell
  • Have a good night’s sleep and you _______  (feel) better in the morning. (general prediction)
    will feel
  • This funfair ride is too fast for me, I think ______ be sick. (prediction with evidence)
    I'm going to
  • (A) When ________ (you/do) your homework? (asking for plan) (B)  I _________ (do) it after dinner. (spontaneous deccission)
    are you going to do / will do
  • He hasn’t studied at all. He won’t pass the exams! (prediction with evidence)
    isn't going to
  • They _________ (not listen) to their mother. They’re such naughty children!
    won’t listen
  • Let’s meet at my house at 7 pm and then _________ catch the bus into town.
    we're going to
  • My sister has a broken thumb! She’s really upset because she ________ (not play) in the volleyball competition next week. (genearl prediction)
    isn't going to play
    won’t play
  • Electric cars will be very popular one day.
    a general prediction about the future
    talking about something that’s already been decided
    predicting the future based on what we see or know now
    deciding to do something while speaking
  • You’ve got a fever, a headache and a cough. I think you ________ (get) the flu. (prediction with evidence)
    you are going to get
    'll get
  • He bought a beautiful bouquet of flowers because he ________ visit his grandma.
    is going to
    will going
  • __________ help me carry these bags, please? (spontaneous decision)
    Are you going to
    Will you
  • I _________ (go) to the doctor’s because I hurt my back lifting some heavy boxes.
    'm going to go
    will go
  • I predict scientists ________ (find) a cure for the cold within the next ten years.
    are going to find
    will find
  • Yesterday, I hurt my ankle playing football. I __________  play in Saturday’s tournament now.
    won’t be able to
    am not going to
  • ____________ (you take) some medicine for that awful cough? (asking for plan)
    Are you going to take
  • __________ feel better if you drink this hot honey and lemon drink.
    You’re going to
  • He ________ (catch) a cold if he doesn’t wear a coat in this weather. (general prediction)
    will catch
  • __________ some medicine for this terrible earache I’ve got.
    I’ll go and buy
    I’m going to buy
  • What time _________ come to my house later?
    will you
    you will
  • Josh _______ (study) medicine at university when he finishes school.
    'll study
    is going to study