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  • What kind of people usually catch your eye? (Answer using a synonym)
    (Tall,short,chubby, thin, etc) people usually attract my attention.
  • What countries can't you wait to visit? (Answer using an idiom)
    I am looking forward to visiting...
  • What would you do if you ran out of gas on the road? (Answer using a synonym)
    If my supply of gasoline finished/ if I didn't have any gas on the road/ if the gas was over, I would...
  • How do you maintain contact with old friends? (Answer using an idiom)
    I keep in touch with old friends by...
  • When do you slip out of a party? (Answer using a synonym)
    I move quietly out of a party when...
  • How do you cheer your friends up when they are sad? (Answer using a synonym)
    I encourage my friends/ raise their spirits by...
  • What does your father usually get for you at the supermarket? (Answer using an idiom)
    My father usually picks up.....
  • Why should you read contracts over? (Answer using a synonym)
    I should read contracts quickly from beginning to end, to find mistakes, because it is important.
  • When do you exhaust yourself? (Answer using an idiom)
    I knock myself out when I study for tests.
  • Do you sometimes have to tell your friends to cut it out? (Answer using a synonym)
    I sometimes have to tell my friends to stop.
  • What should be done before setting out on a trip abroad? (Answer using a synonym)
    People should get vaccines and their passaports checked before leaving on a trip abroad.
  • What kind of stores does your mother like to browse around? (answer using a synonym)
    She likes to go window shopping at department stores.
  • What makes your mother start crying? (Answer using an idiom)
    ... makes my mother burst into tears.
  • How do you keep up with your classmates when you miss classes?(Answer using a synonym)
    I accompany, stay on the same level as my classmates by ...
  • Is it easy to get hold of your father when he's at work? (Answer using a synonym)
    It is easy/ difficult to find my father when he's at work.
  • What should pleople do when they feel down and out? ( answer using a synonym)
    When people feel depressed/blue they should...
  • Why is it difficult to lose weight? (Answer using an idiom)
    It is difficult to slim down because...
  • Is it difficult for you to settle on a hotel before traveling? (Answer using a synonym)
    It is easy/ difficult for me to decide on a hotel before traveling.
  • Can you understand everything rappers say? (Answer using an idiom)
    I can't/can make out everything rappers say.
  • How do you solve your problems? (Answer using an idiom)
    I usually work out my problems by...
  • What do you do when your closet is old-fashioned? (Answer using an idiom)
    When my closet is outdated/ out of fashion, I...
  • How do you keep a record of your expenses?(Answer using an idiom)
    I keep track of my expenses by...
  • Why is it hard to stop eating junk food? (Answer using an idiom)
    It is hard to cut out junk food because...
  • What do you know about Hawaii?
  • What do you enjoy doing? (Answer using an idiom)
    I get a kick out of ...