
Sofia's Questions

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  • May Sofia be a great president someday?
    Yes, she may
  • Will Sofia become president in the future?
    We do not know, but we hope so!
  • Are Sofia's neighbors excited to build a new park?
    Yes, they are
  • Why do they tell Sofia she cannot build a park?
    Because she is just a kid
  • Who is Sofia's best friend?
    Her abuelo
  • When does Sofia decide to go to the City Hall?
    After her abuelo has an accident because of Mount Trashmore
  • Can Sofia build the park alone?
    No, she cannot
  • How does Sofia feel before going to the City Hall?
    She feels worried, anxious, nervious.
  • Does Sofia succeed in the end?
    Yes, she does
  • Do they ask Sofia to sign a petition?
    Yes, they do