
Starting and maintaining a conversation

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  • How do you use your body to show that you want to talk to someone?
    Wave at them, look at them.
  • What are some good ways to start a conversation with someone new?
    Greet them, tell them your name, Ask them a question about there day.
  • Why is it important to ask follow up questions during a conversation?
    To keep the conversation going, and show you interested.
  • What can you do to show that you are actively listening to the conversation?
    Eye contact, ask questions
  • What do you do if you accidentally interrupt someone in a conversation?
    You stop, say sorry and let them finish
  • What do you do when you want to show someone that you're listening to them?
    Look at them, ask questions
  • What do you do if you don't agree with what someone is saying during a conversation?
    Listen to them, be polite, and tell them what you think.
  • Can you think of a way to ask someone about their day?
    How are you?, what have you done today?,
  • How do you show someone that you're happy to see them?
    Smile, greet them
  • Why do you think its important to take turns during a conversation?
    So each person has a chance to talk
  • What's a way to show someone that you're interested in what they're saying?
    Ask them a question about what there saying.
  • How do you know when its your turn to speak during a conversation?
    There is a pause or they ask you a question.
  • What's a question you could ask to learn more about someone's favorite activities?
    Whats one of your hobbies?
  • How can you include someone else in a conversation you're having?
    Ask them to come join you, ask what they think.