
Guess The Meaning

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  • It is illegal to go fast while driving. What does the word "illegal" mean?
    Illegal means against the law.
  • She decided to contribute her time and skills to a local charity organization. What does the word "contribute" mean?
    Contribute means to help make something happen.
  • The water cycle is a continuous process that involves the evaporation, condensation, and precipitation of water. What does the word "Cycle" mean?
    Cycle means a number of related events that happen again and again in the same order,
  • The Atlantic bluefin tuna is indeed an endangered species. What is the meaning of the word "endangered"?
    Endangered means in great danger of disappearing forever
  • We use sunscreen to protect our skin from the harmful effects of the sun. What does the word "protect" mean?
    Protect means to keep something safe or prevent harm from coming to it.
  • Smoke from factories is one cause of air pollution. What does the word "Pollution" mean?
    Pollution means harmful substances in the environment.
  • Please do not litter and help keep our environment clean. What does the word "litter" mean?
    Litter means to throw trash or waste onto the ground or in an inappropriate place.
  • Many people are concerned about the conservation of wildlife. They would like to create places where animals will be safe. What does the word "conservation" mean?
    Conservation means protecting and preserving nature.