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  • I looked around – there __________________ (be) nobody in my room and everything was in its usual place.
  • That meant that someone had come into the room through the door. My __________________ (one) impulse was to call the police but I called Jim instead.
  • “Ok, stay at home. I’ll be at __________________ (you) place in half an hour,” he said and the phone went dead.
  • “Ready, big guy?” asked Grandpa. “Will you have breakfast before we leave?” “No, I __________________ (not be) hungry”, Ben answered, “I’ll have breakfast at your place.
    am not
  • Jenny loved climbing. It was a strange hobby for a girl and her family wanted her to stop it, but Jenny __________________ (not listen)to anybody.
    didn't listen
  • Ben’s mum entered his room. “Grandpa’s here,” she said with a smile. Ben told her that he __________________ (be) ready to go.
  • "Let me think about it. I __________________ (give) you a call when I decide what to do." But Dylan had already decided what to do.
    will give
  • People can get in touch with each other quickly. Mobile phones make __________________ (communicate) easier.
  • They were the __________________ (good) holidays I’ve ever had. Grandpa lived alone in a country cottage near a small river
  • Jenny __________________ (feel) a terrible pain and started to cry. Her mum came outside and saw that her hand was swollen and looked dark.
  • “There __________________ (be) nothing to be sorry about! It’s natural to feel nervous before your first flight.
  • So far he has written six books about artificial intelligence, and four of them have become __________________ (nation) best sellers in the USA.
  • I wish I __________________ (can) go with you, but you know that I can’t.”
  • It makes our life __________________ (comfort) and saves time.
  • Kurzweil disagrees with them and says that we are already a human-machine civilization. We already use high level technology to diagnose diseases, provide __________________ (educate), and develop new technologies.
  • “There’s another thing I __________________(not can) understand,” I interrupted Jim. “My computer’s on but I always switch it off before leaving home.”
  • Ben put in some of his favourite things to take with __________________ (he) on the trip to Grandpa’s. He put in his favourite book, his kite and his teddy bear.
  • Soon everything __________________ (pack) and he started to get dressed.
    was packed
  • I checked the window – it __________________ (close).
    was closed
  • Then we __________________ (offer) refreshing drinks. I had some orange juice and closed my eyes.
    were offered
  • The plane __________________ (take) off smoothly. The pilot informed the passengers about the details of the flight.
  • "I wish you __________________ (have) some other hobby!" she said.
  • "There are still several trees in the garden I haven’t climbed yet," Jenny said. One day, she__________________ (climb) the apple tree in the yard, when she suddenly slipped and fell down.
    was climbing
  • It has become a very __________________ device and people can’t do without it.
  • Stonehenge is an ancient monument in south-west England. For me, it’s the __________________ (interesting) place I’ve ever visited.
    the most interesting
  • Ray strongly believes that soon computer intelligence will be a billion times more __________________ (power) than the human brain.
  • “Are you all right?’ she asked. “You’re afraid of flying, aren’t you?” “Yes, I __________________ (not want) to tell you. I’m a bit scared. Sorry.”
    didn't want
  • For the__________________ (one) time Jenny had a cast on her arm, from her fingers down to her elbow.
  • “I’m fine, Mum. Don’t worry.” I tried to sound calm. “I __________________ (call) you as soon as we land.
    will call
  • Kurzweil thinks that by 2030, computers will do more __________________ (impress) tasks. They will be able to understand ordinary spoken language and show emotions.
  • I explained that someone __________________ (take) the book. “Oh, no!” Jim sounded unhappy. “Do you have any idea how valuable it is?”
    had taken
  • No matter what doctors say, it’s just __________________ (possible) to live without a mobile phone today.
  • Grandma __________________ (cook) something nice for me, hasn’t she?”
    has cooked
  • Her mother took Jenny to the doctor. It turned out that two of the bones __________________ (break).
    were broken
  • "Jenny, please, promise __________________ (I) that you'll never do this silly climbing again!" Jenny nodded.
  • Together, they went fishing and watched football matches. Grandpa __________________ (teach) him how to repair bikes and other things.
  • He grabbed his backpack and ran into the kitchen where Grandpa __________________ (drink) his tea
    was drinking
  • When I came into the room, my computer was on. It worried me since I __________________(not remember) switching it on.
    didn't remenber
  • It was true. My mum was the __________________ (busy) woman in the world.
  • Suddenly I __________________ (understand) – the book had gone! I had left it on the table but it wasn’t there any more.
  • Ray Kurzweil is a very popular figure in the field of science. He is a leading computer __________________ (science) who has made lots of predictions about the future of humanity.
  • “What __________________(happen)?” Jim sounded sleepy.
    has happened