
Past Tense Aspects

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  • When the teacher arrived, some students (be) diligently working on their projects for hours.
    When the teacher arrived, some students had been diligently working on their projects for hours.
  • I (be) to five countries in Europe.
    I’ve been to five countries in Europe.
  • We (meet) in January 1975.
    We met in January 1975.
  • When the teacher arrived, some students (finish / already) their assignments.
    When the teacher arrived, some students had already finished their assignments.
  • I (not / see) her since January 2022.
    I haven’t seen her since January 2022.
  • When the teacher arrived, some students (display) bad attitudes for quite some time.
    When the teacher arrived, some students had been displaying bad attitudes for quite some time.
  • When the teacher arrived, some students (snapchat - VERB).
    When the teacher arrived, some students were snapchatting.
  • The last time I (see) him was over a year ago.
    The last time I saw him was over a year ago.
  • I (be) to five countries in Europe by 2001.
    I’d been to five countries in Europe by 2001.
  • We (go) to America together in 2008.
    We went to America together in 2008.
  • When the teacher arrived, the room (be) a complete mess.
    When the teacher arrived, the room was a complete mess.
  • When the teacher arrived, some students (finish / still) their assignments.
    When the teacher arrived, some students were still finishing their assignments.