
Literacy Terms

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  • What do you do when you use "support" in your answers about a passage?
    Refer to (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or jus
    put something in your own words
    copy the passage down word for word
  • What does it mean to "identify" something in a text?
    to give up
    put something in your own words
    to recognize individual features or characteristics
    summarize a text
  • what do you do when you "describe" something?
    to tell or write about; give details or to picture in words
  • Using something concrete to represent an abstract idea or thought
  • What does it mean to "summarize" a text?
    put something in your own words
    cite evidence
    to express the most important facts or ideas about something
    identify the topic & main ideas
  • What is the "central idea" of a passage?
    the main point that the author is making
  • What does "determine" mean?
    to settle or decide on something
  • What does it mean to infer?
    use evidence & background knowledge to come to a conclusion
    make up a story
    identify the topic
    identify the main idea
  • define point of view
    what the character or narrator telling the story can see
    looking out a window
    Your perspective
    looking at a sunset
  • Time and place where a story happens
    Central Idea
  • What does it mean to "analyze" a text?
    highlighting the topic and main idea
    putting the text in your own words
    writing down the key details
    breaking something down & looking closely at each part
  • What does it mean to cite a text?
    the ability to see
    Call up the author and tell him/her you like their writing
    Putting your name at the top of your work
    writing a sentence from a text to prove your answer.
  • What is a narrative?
    the main characters
    the topic of a story
    a form of writing that tells a story
    the main ideas
  • what does it mean to "evaluate" a text?
    deciding what info you will include or exclude when u write
    copy down information from a text word for word
    form an argument based on the reading
    make up a story
  • What is evidence?
    something you make up
    your opinion
    what you think might happen
    information you can use to support an argument
  • what is dialogue?
    when you put something in your own words
    when you identify the type of text structure
    when you break down a text and highlight key details
    written or spoken exchange between two or more people.
  • External Conflict
    A group of lines in a poem
    A problem that happens with the character and: another chara
    A problem that the character experiences with him or herself
    The height of action in the story
  • Define mood
    the emotions that a text makes the reader feel
  • When does it mean when you are asked to be "explicit" in your writing?
    being vague
    to make a prediction
    to make your writing plain or clear
    to lie
  • What is text structure?
    the way authors organize information in text.
  • Why do we use details from a text?
    to plagiarise a story
    to show you care
    to improve our writing
    to use information from a text to support an argument
  • A comparison between "like" or "as"
    Point of View
  • what is a "theme" of a text?
    A message or moral of a text.
    the main idea
    the main character
    the key details of a text
  • A problem that the character experiences with him or herself
    Internal Conflict
  • What are you looking for when you "compare" two things?
    examine something in order to observe or discover similarities
  • What is the tone of a text?
    a character is nasty to someone in a story
    attitude that a character or author has towards the topic
    the emotions that a text makes you feel
    the main idea
  • what does "argument" mean?
    to fight with your freinds
    to make something up
    to tell on someone
    an opinion supported by facts
  • What are you looking for when you see the word "contrast"?
    the difference(s) between two or more things
  • Figurative Language
    To make plain or clear
    Written or spoken exchange between two or more people
    The way in which a poem rhymes. It is denoted by letters.
    Using expressive details that do not always mean exactly wha